2nd Quarter Science (Homeroom Science)

Forces & Motion
Quizlet Links:
Study Jams: 
Watch our for falling objects! - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dxcx35x5L9Y 
Why don't we fall from the Earth? - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BlPtF_NqIQI
Extra links on Gravity: 
  1. Study Jam on Gravity and Inertia 
  2. Brainpop Gravity Video
  3. Crash Course Kids Gravity Lottery!
  4. Crash Course Kids - Watch Out For Falling Objects!
  5. Crash Course Kids - Why Don't We Fall off the Earth?
  6. Crash Course Kids Lunar Gravity
  7. Mr. Parr's Gravity Song
  8. Untamed Science Gravity Song
  9. Untamed Science SkyDiving
  10. Aristotle vs Galileo's Rules For Falling Objects
  11. Apollo 15 Astronauts Try Galileo's Experiment on the Moon!
  12. Video about Newton and Einstein's Work on Gravity
  13. Bill Nye The Science Guy Gravity
  14. Magic School Bus Frictionless Baseball Episode
    Other Gravity Activities to EXPLORE: 
  1. Galileo's Falling Objects Experiment
  2. Try Galileo's Falling Objects Experiment For Yourself! - Scroll Down to "Galileo's Tower"
  3. Gravity Launch
  4. Weight on Other Planets Calculator
  5. Duckster's Info on Gravity
  6. Fun Factoids About Gravity
  1. Bill Nye's Motion Clip
  2. Motion Song
  3. Mr. Parr's Motion Song - You Tube Video
  4. Bill Nye's Motion Video
  1. Schooltube Song on Speed vs. Velocity:  NOT THE SAME!!!  - a groovy tune :)
  2. Calculating Speed Video on You Tube 
  3. PBS Kids Waterslide Video
  4. Speed Graph Video on You Tube
  1. Race Car Velocity -  Video Showing How They Overcome Decceleration in Corners of the Race Track
  2. Velocity & Acceleration of a Moving Car
  3. Schooltube Cartoon on Liquid showing Acceleration 
  4. When is Acceleration the Greatest in Skydiving? - Untamed Science
  5. How Does Force Affect Acceleration?
  6. Video on How Mass Affects Acceleration - from the International Space Station
  7. BrainPop Acceleration Video 
  8. Untamed Science Space X Launch & Dragon Capsule
  9. Motion & Acceleration Online Lab - pHeT
  1. Interactive Move That Truck! Clips - Lets you vary resistance, weight, and ramp height to see affect on distance
  2. How Does Mass Affect Motion? BBC Interactive Clip 
  3. Projective Motion - pHeT lab where motion changes because of mass and force
  4. Race Car Velocity - Move your race car and see what happens to velocity and speed on the graph
  5. The Moving Man - What happens to the man when you change position, velocity, and acceleration?
  6. Roller Coaster - Add a loop, change slope of the hills, change mass and speed
  7. Centrifugal Force Video 
  8. Fire the Cannon!
  9. How Do Roller Coasters Move Without a Motor?
  10. Fun at the Fair - Can You Get the Coaster To Finish the Course & Safely Stop?
  11. Design a Roller Coaster & find out why it works!
  12. Design a Marble Roller Coaster
  13. Build Your Own Coaster - Can You Earn Two Thumbs Up?
  14. Build Your Own Coaster - Can You Get a Fear Factor of 8?
  15. The History of Monster Roller Coasters
  16. Airbags For Eggs Video - From Space Engineer
  17. BrainPop What Makes a Plane Fly? Simulator - Watch the Forces of Flight video first
Three States & Properties of Matter
  1. Study Jam on Properties of Matter - What is mass?  matter?  volume?  density?
  2. What is Matter? Untamed Science Song
  3. Weight vs Mass Video From International Space Station
  4. Study Jam on States of Matter 
  5. Flocabulary States of Matter
  6. BrainPop on States of Matter
  7. States of Matter Video
  8. The Power of Frozen Water Video
  9. Why Does Water Expand When It Freezes?
  10. Bill Nye the Science Guy - 3 Phases of Matter video
  11. Qualitative vs Quantitative Data - Powtoon Video
  12. Qualitative Quantitative CHEER! Video
Interactive Links To Explore
  1. Types of Matter Particle Close Up
  2. Solids, Liquids, and Gases Sort & Heating/Cooling Investigation 
  3. Solids to Liquids Interactive Activity 
  4. Changing States of Matter Interactive Activity - What happens to water when it cools?  is heated?
  5. Melting Points of Different Solids Activity 
How Matter Changes Videos
  1. Study Jam on Physical & Chemical Changes 
  2. Mixtures vs Solutions at a Picnic - Crash Course Kids Video
  3. Chemical Changes in the Kitchen - Crash Course Kids Video
  4. Brainpop Physical vs Chemical Change with Tim & Moby,  Version 2 with Annie
  5. Open vs Closed Systems
  6. Crash Course Kids Law of Conservation of Mass, Law of Conservation of MassOpen System DemonstrationClosed System Demo
  7. Cheese is a Chemical Change
  8. Barfing Pumpkin???
  9. Bill Nye Does Dramatic Chemical Reactions
  10. Physical vs Chemical Change Video - at the atomic level!
Interactive Links To Explore
  1. Reversible or Irreversible Changes? 
  2. Heat Makes The Difference!  to water in a physical change
  3. Heat Changes Molecules!  see what happens to them in a physical change
  4. What Will Happen to To Food in the Kitchen?
  5. Why Did the Statue of Liberty Turn Green?
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