Casey Dyles » Casey Dyles

Casey Dyles


My name is Mrs. Casey Dyles and I am going to be your First Grade Teacher! This will be my 14th year teaching. I LOVE teaching and all the exploring, learning and fun we get to have!


I graduated from Western Carolina University in 2011 with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Elementary Education with a concentration in History. I love learning and can’t to learn with you!


I grew up in Wallburg and attended Wallburg Elementary School. I am happily married to my husband, Adam and we have a daughter, Caroline. She is in first grade as well!


I can’t wait to start this school year of learning and growing with you! Please don’t be afraid to share any questions or concerns with me. My email is [email protected] or call (336) 769-2921.



My Favorites

Food: Italian


Movie: Toy Story

Colors: Pink & Teal

Animal: Elephant 

Season: Fall

Flower: Daisy 

Drink: Cheerwine

Candy: Nerd Clusters

Store to Shop: Target

Hobby: Painting & Reading

Fast Food: Chick fil A

Book: Anything & Everything by Dr. Seuss