Stephanie Smith » Classroom Expectations and Procedures

Classroom Expectations and Procedures

In our classrooms, we are using class DOJO to monitor positive and negative behaviors. Students can either earn or lose a point according to the behavior choices they make. Students work to earn rewards based on the points they receive each day.


   Students start each day with three points and can work their way up or down. Students who display negative behavior will receive consequences as follows:


     Lose one point (2) = Warning

     Lose two points (1) = Silent lunch

     Lose three points (0) = Note in the planner/contact parent


    We do prizes every Friday morning for students who have kept 85% of their points for the week.  
    In a given month, if a student has kept more than 85% of their points then they will be able to participate in the reward. If students have not kept at least 85% of their points for the month then they will be kept out of the reward and will instead write a reflection about their choices that kept them from attending.