Mrs. Andrea Deal Walker » Conferences/PowerSchool Grades

Conferences/PowerSchool Grades

I will be sending out conference info as we get closer to the end of the first 9 week period. I am assessing students in mClass (our county uses this for reading assessment beginning, middle, and end of the year with progress monitoring on-going throughout the year) and we are gathering data for math as well with our STAR Math online assessment tool. We use an online assessment tool referred to as Maze (also part of mClass) for reading comprehension along with "unit" quizzes and assignments (major and minor grades are given for reading and math whereas minor grades are given for science and social studies~also be aware that per our county, we DO give a participation grade for homework therefor your child IS expected to complete homework assignments as we will keep a record of who completes it when assigned and who does not) and major and minor tests each 9 week period. Please give grace and patience as we are a "one teacher show" meaning we try hard to input grades into powerschool as soon as we can. Sometimes we have to wait 1-2 days especially if re-tests or make-up tests have to be given which can cause a delay in getting grades put in. So. if and when your child takes a quiz or a major test, just know that their grades will be published in powerschool as soon as we get the chance to do it. We are the only ones with access to do this task and after teaching all day, meetings, work in the classroom, we could work all day and night and still not have everything complete! Grace and patience~and thank you!!!!