Mrs. Andrea Deal Walker » Class Dojo Behavior Management/Fun Friday!

Class Dojo Behavior Management/Fun Friday!

Class Dojo Behavior Component:
Your child must have 80% at the end of each week in order to participate in our "Fun Friday" reward where they choose a colored ticket that coordinates with one of the 3rd grade classrooms and the fun activity going in that room listed on the choice board in the photo (such as Legos, dance party, directed drawing, art, chromebooks, games). IF your child does NOT have at least 80%, he/she must go to the reflection room which is in another 3rd grade room where students write up a reflection form to explain why they didn't achieve 80%, what choices were made that negatively impacted them, how they can improve the next week in hopes of earning Fun Friday, and then they bring that form home to be discussed with you and signed/returned on Monday.